14 Aug 2010

Artist 06: Thereza Rowe

Thereza Rowe is a lovely girl/dedicated illustrator with a wonderful sense for the dramatic. She excels at creating beautiful products such as her pretty and sweet hand made paper houses, zines and prints you can buy them all at her shop. She also has a blog which is a joy to read and full of inspirational images and moments, you should all enjoy her interview, here she is!

Who are you:
I’m Thereza Rowe. Illustrator, pink milk junkie, owner of thousands of pens and mountains of papers…

What do you do:
Most of the time I can be found drawing and illustrating in my tiny red workspace. Other times in daydreamland where everything makes sense.

How did you start:
The beauty of being able to create something has always been my main drive. One ordinary day I woke up and decided I wanted to draw and so I did and never stopped ever since…

A Personal statement about you or your work:
My work is honest and simple and it relies pretty much on the way I view the world.. Some say I’m weird, some think I’m from another planet and maybe I am… if I had a choice I’d move permanently into one of the little worlds I create :)


  1. pink milk forever! you are not weird you are unique!

  2. Beautiful work.

  3. I LUV your work THereza

    TObin (even tho my google account says elizabeth) that is my birth name.
