What's on

25 Mar 2011

Artist 79: Becky Ryan

A wonderful warm welcome to Becky Ryan, this young talent certainly does have a wonderful set of skills, clearly demonstrated by her sharp observation and attention to detail. There is a certain lightness to her work, which shows she has a delicate touch and a great command of quality. Yet she also can be bold and dynamic, bringing movement and spirit into her work, combining the beauty of her observation with a dash of life and joy. Tea and hugs lover Becky certainly embraces her subjects, both in the accuracy and character she brings to them. It's a strong style that can be propped up by such obvious technical skill and compositional awareness. Which ever direction she chooses to head in she is incredibly capable of delivering uplifting work with a quality and joy about it. She will do really well using and refining that subtle palette and blending in her sharp eye with her soft touch. Certainly an illustrator to look out for in the near future, it's Becky Ryan.

Who are you:
I'm Becky Ryan, a 21 year old illustrator from Liverpool England, currently in the last couple of months of a BA Hons degree in illustration.

What do you do: 
Draw :D Mainly portraits...and also mainly in ink as of late. There's something kinda fun about knowing you can't rub out mistakes, so it makes me try harder not to make them hehe, I also just really like the line quality of pen and the contrast of black on white rather than the grey of a pencil.

How did you start:
I've always been a keen artist really for as long as I can remember. My Dad used to draw at home when I was little and I really hoped I'd be as good as him one day so I used to draw a lot to just try build on the hereditary bit of talent I guess, that and I've just always really enjoyed drawing as a past time anyway.  It's been a consistent interest through school, art college, and now university.

A Personal statement about you or your work: 
I'm inspired by music, random pretty or quirky things that I come across, the people in my life, and other artists.  
After finishing my degree I'm hoping to try and get some freelance illustration work, just getting my work out there and hopefully being noticed by people who like my stuff.  I think I'd enjoy creating illustrations for cards, so I may try and go down that route.
I have done some editorial work for the Lancashire Evening Post and Wireless student magazine, and that's another possible area to go down.
Although I am quite overwhelmed with university work right now, I do take on commissions from friends and the general public to do drawings for them when I can so if you're interested and you like my stuff get in touch :)
Apart from art and illustration, I like music, films, reading, animals, going to stand-up comedy gigs, hugs, tea and cake!

Becky's portfolio
Illustration Mundo

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