What's on

16 Mar 2011

Ganbare Nippon: Artwork donation appeal

What is it about?
Do you ever have the feeling that you have one too many art prints or that last postcard print run was too long? Well help may be at hand! We are asking for any donations you can spare of physical art work to raise money for our Japan Tsunami appeal. We are accepting anything from tote bags, to tea towels and everything in between. Even if you can't spare anything or simply have no printed work please don't let this put you off taking part in our open submission for the appeal that has already generated so much love and such a positive response from our strong and vibrant community. If you haven't got the time to work on something or you simply want to help, please donate to our JustGiving page.

How do I take part?
If you have any works you would like to donate or any questions about the process please email us at
artwork-illustrationrally[at]hotmail.co.uk and we will send you details of where to post your work to, and request the price you want us to charge. All profit will go to the Ganbare Nippon Japan Tsunami Appeal.

What next?
We will be setting up our shop soon so we can start giving you guys the opportunity to help out and get some truly amazing products, we already have some brilliant things lined up for you, so keep your eyes peeled and we'll keep you posted! I also must take the time also to thank those kind hearts who have already donated work for our appeal and to say that, in hard times like these such talented artists and companies are heroes for sharing their hard won work and we could not be more grateful to them or honoured by their kindness.

1 comment:

  1. ★ありがとうございます・世界中のみんなにお礼をいいます・Artは人の心の表現です・生きる希望を与えてくれます★
