What's on

6 Mar 2011

News: In Vitro gallery, illustrator friendly and looking for you

News time now on the Rally. Here's one to get your creative juices flowing and mouths watering. Its the new In Vitro gallery in the hilly city of Lincoln! This is one of those projects we are a hundred percent behind, as it's a helping hand for students and graduates, though any fresh artists are welcome.This cool light space is ideal for getting noticed and getting ahead, and a packed events calendar with exhibitions aplenty will keep building momentum. It's worth noting that we desperately need good fresh art galleries all over England. Illustration and art in general isn't more or less valuable depending on your location. It's meant to be for everyone, all the time. We need it to define ourselves and give us a context. Illustration only lives if it's out there at the forefront of people's minds. That's why it's great if you can find space on the high street to have your say. So, much respect for Laura Whitehead and her In Vitro gallery!

Who are you?
In Vitro was founded by artist Laura Whitehead in 2010 as a new venue in Lincoln for exhibiting new and exciting artwork by young artists and recent graduates.

How do you work?
There is new artwork up every month, creating a constantly changing exhibition, as well as special events and themed shows. Artists rent a space in the gallery per month to exhibit and sell their artwork, which is part of the monthly exhibition, this includes a catered private view and many levels of advertising.

What is the mission?
In Vitro exhibits a lot of local artists and supports the activities of local artists groups, though we also show work by national and international artists. In Vitro also generates more interest in the art scene with events such as the upcoming Shoe Horn competition, where artists can enter pairs of customised shoes and win a cash prize, and there are plans for a themed body art exhibition, featuring work by tattoo artists and live body painting. Anyone interested in exhibiting can get in touch via the website or by emailing this address.

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