What's on

2 Mar 2011

Portrayal March!

Hope everyone is well, March is still pretty freezing isn't? I've been having an awful cold for over 10 days and it sucks. Anyways, we had an amazing success with our Valentine's Day event, we hit over 10,000 pv in February and I hope everyone who submitted their work had good exposure too.   

So what should we do in March? I say let's do "Portrait Rally"! 

We decided to have different themes for each week as having subjects is our style, but I hope everyone can find something interesting from one of them... 

Graham Coxon by Natsuki Otani

Ideal dinner party guests: 7th to 13th March 
Please draw David Lynch, Nick CaveBjörk or Marianne Faithfull 
Draw one or more of them if you want! 

SF Films: 14th to 20th March 
Any SF film related portraits, it can be Steven SpielbergRoy Batty from Blade Runner or even the prawns from District 9!

British Music: 21st to 27th March
Any British music related portraits! Beatles, Sex Pistols, Radiohead... hmm maybe Simon Cowell is more iconic nowadays, he does have amazing hair.

Use your creativity freely to draw amazing portraits but please follow our simple guidelines set out below, so I don't confuse myself too badly sorting everyone's submissions out.

Submission Guidelines 
  • Don't forget to tell me who you drew and non offensive art please, cheeky is ok but no thank you to nasty stuff. We don't wan't be sued by Simon Cowell.
  • Any form of art is welcome, illustration, photography, graphic design, animation and more.
  • Low res jpeg file please (72 dpi is good enough) so my old pc which has been giving me blue screen ever so often won't explode.
  • Don't forget to send us the links to your portfolio sites, (blog, facebook, flickr and etc) if you are sending us your product, send us a link to the pages you are selling your products.
  • Send us a link to your twitter account if you have one, so I can promote you on twitter effectively.
  • Deadline for each themes is each week's Sunday.
  • Please send your work to illustrationrally[at]hotmail.co.uk with the title "Portrait March Submission"

So get cracking and let's have fun!

Natsuki x

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