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24 Aug 2011

Artist 107: Tena Letica

Something a little bit tasty now from self confessed food Tena Letica. Our latest artist hails from the beautiful city of Zagreb and gives us fun and slick work with more than a hint of a designers touch.Tena's work is packed full of humour and sweetness but rendered in a slick and sharp style. She has some great characters harking back to vintage cartoons, giving a fifties flavour and also giving her a great standpoint for her commercial practice even as she explores into paper-cut and construction. Her work is curious and evolving, but all the time her practice is solid and stylistically cogent which is a great asset as she grows further. Her paper-cut work is both delicate and at the same time sharp with great strong lines that really stand up to her crafting. It's great to see her work bursting from the page but it's also great to see her sweet fun characters. whichever way she takes her work I'm sure she will continue to surprise and delight. With the best wishes for the future it's Tena Letica.

Who are you:
Hi, my name is Tena Letica. I live and work in Zagreb, Croatia.

What do you do:
I am a freelance graphic designer and illustrator with a degree in Industrial Design. Foodie and avid traveller in my spare time.

How did you start:
Even as a child, I was the "creative" one in our family. My favourite toys were Legos, felt pens, paper, my parents' books and glue. I was making art installations out of them. The School of Design in Zagreb, from which I graduated in 2007, seemed like a logical next step after high school. Before graduation I worked as a designer in a graphic design studio, where I did my first illustration projects. It was love at first sight. Now, as a full-time freelance illustrator, my work still includes loads of felt pens, x-acto knives, books, paper and glue.

A Personal statement about you or your work:
In my recent work, which consists mainly of paper toys, papercut illustrations and pop-up books, I try to keep things handmade as much as possible. This way, each piece is somehow unique. Despite my love for the modern technology, my works are done by traditional techniques and paper, due to its versatile character and reasonable price, acts as the perfect material of choice.


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