What's on

4 Oct 2011

Artist 113: Piktorama

It's with great pleasure we can bring you a slice of the wonderful Piktorama, her joyful work really gets us going with her bold colourful style and ultra sweet characters. Setting out on her own as an illustrator after working for Nickelodeon as an art director Piktorama created her brand and filled it full of lively and fun work. She has a great loose working style that effortlessly captures a cheeky grin or sweet character and using a few well placed lines she distils fun and joy, pumping it through a great palette of strong complimentary colours that give her work a real buzz and class. she can work anything from fresh mints to deep rich reds and with her style it all works, still looks slick and keeps her touch. Many illustrators can be constrained by an ever tightening style and working practice, Piktorama however is one of those who can constantly explore and whether she is using pattern work character or hand made typography you get the feeling she is still at play, able to get results and crystallise her style but with an eclectic freedom that really benefits her work. A great illustrator with a sweet style Piktorama will remain eminently bookable in the future and I'm sure will have a lot of fun as she works it! So with the best wishes for the upcoming season and beyond, we give you Piktorama!

Who are you:
My name is Amaranta and I'm an illustrator from Venezuela. I work from home and I live with the 3 loves of my life… Juan and my baby twins JoaquĆ­n and Noah. I love shoes, music and cupcakes and now I'm training for my first half marathon which is next month. Let's see how that goes!

What do you do:
On a day to day basis I work in illustration and Motion Graphics. When I have free time I love to do exhibitions in any kind of techniques… acrylic, watercolors, prints, silkscreens. Doing group exhibitions is a lot of fun, you meet amazing people, exchange ideas and your work gets to be around the world. My work has been in Argentina, Brasil, Costa Rica, Spain, Germany, Australia, Russia, Lithuania & USA. 

I also like to blog. I have my own is like a daily journal and another one with some amazing and talented friends.

You can check them out if you like : )

Oh I forgot this one… my passion for shoes!

How did you start:
I always knew that I wanted to be drawing and creating all my life and I'm grateful that I still do it. As a teenager I had trouble with my parents because they wanted me to go to college and where I come from there wasn't a University for this "career".

My parents are happy now that I was stubborn and I kept going my way, but they still don't really understand what I do.

A Personal statement about you or your work: 
I consider myself a colorful and happy person, an artist, a mom and a good big sister, all of those things make me happy and that's what inspires to make my magic, detailed and playful world come to life.


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