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7 Jan 2012

Artist 120: Egle

It's another artist feature for you now, with the up and coming Egle from Lithuania, surrounded by nature in her upbringing leads her to themes of nature and rebirth in her current work. She has a complex take on the human body, integrating it into a body of work that spans illustration video art and sculpture, but continues the same thread of exploration that drives her forward. Her palette influences can be seen to be reflective of both her native Lithuania and England with her soft pallid tones evoking the dim myopic skies of London with their panoply of greys and subtle lighting. Her soft shades belies a kind of violence in her creations, with mutant limbs coalescing in redundant heaps like the end Akira, with an unconstrained and uncontrolled amalgam of body parts with the natural forms of hoof and nail, that at once brings something evocative and challenging. Her work is one of those that as it evolves will gain traction and I'm sure that she will continue to explore as she grows. Her inquisitiveness is one of the strongest parts of her working practice and long may it continue. With best wishes for a bright future it's Egle!

Who are you: 
My name is Egle, I am from Lithuania.

What do you do: 
I am studying drawing in Camberwell college of arts, so for most of the time I do illustrations, but I always try to be as much experimental as possible. So I do all sorts of art starting from video to sculpture or installation.

How did you start: 
I think I started when I started to observe the environment. When you are child drawing is the easiest way of expressionn and I never stopped.

A Personal statement about you or your work: 
As the main technique for expressing my ideas I usually choose drawing. I consider drawing as a starting point which can lead me into any visual language of art. The most important aim for everything that I do is the emotion. I could say that I like to create a feeling rather than is it good or bad. I get the inspiration from, different life styles and cultures, from people that I observe in the street, my fears and of course nature. I grew up surrounded by flowers, so I make use of lots of fauna and flora (usually as mythological creatures). Furthermore I try to address questions of identity, desire and relationship between humans and nature.


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