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26 Jan 2012

Artist 124: Giselle Vitali

Artist feature time again and it is with the greatest pleasure we give you Giselle Vitali, a Venezuelan illustrator currently based out of the beautiful city of Barcelona in Spain. Giselle's work is instantly recognisable, and not just due to her subject matter. She takes her day job very seriously and is always keen to learn. Her thirst for knowledge is born out in her illustration with her subjects dissected and spread open for all to see. She seems to pin the visual and tease out the layers of expression. Her composition is rock solid allowing her to frame her subjects with both drama and pathos. This gives her a unique way of looking at the world which gives her work a visceral beauty, that is both shocking and gentle. Like a scientist she carefully wields the knife and gently cuts, the oxymoron of her delicate explosions and tender traumas give her an edge that few could replicate. She is an explorer, and as she develops and grows I'm sure she will continue to shock and dazzle in equal measure with her precise mechanical skill and enquiring mind. 

Who are you:
My name is Giselle Vitali. A young Venezuelan Illustrator currently living in Barcelona, Spain

What do you do:
My work is focused in two main areas: Health and other diversities, being the concept and shape of the human body a very important area. I base my work on different techniques, mainly the manual ones such as pencil, inks, acuarels and rotulators.

How did you start:
I am still in the begining of this amazing path of my career and I do not want to stop it. When I was a child, my favourite toys were, blank papers, rotulators and any type of ink. I started with oil painting because my uncle had his studio close to my house and fell in love with it. Even, when I was in the secundary school, painting was the best I could do and I was really entertain with. Then, I made the best decision of my life which was to become an illustrator, studying in the Design Institute of Caracas, Venezuela.

Having present the painting passion over anything else, I decided to get into world of the scientific illustration.

I am just being an Illustrator for over 1 year, long enough to realise that it is very important to learn everyday, so I would be able to develop my profession and myself.

A Personal statement about you or your work: 
I want to do many things, challenge myself with new way of working and get into the medical illustration. I am currently doing a master degree in 3D modelling, so i would be able to apply to that area.

I am vey jealous with what I show on paper, because behind it there is more than a simple analysis, there is also feelings of my own. There are areas where I do not follow any rules, play with images, so anyone can come up with their own conclusions.


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