What's on

30 Mar 2012

Artist 135: Daisy Hardman

It's the exciting gestural work of Daisy Hardman now and this up and coming student has a real strength of both image and purpose, bringing her strong tonal compositions out to the viewer with more than a hint of dark visceral themes. Daisy has a way of gathering the energy of motion and spilling it out onto her work in an almost fervent manner that creates an inner tension in her work that puts the viewer on edge in a tense and excited state as their eyes scan her work to unlock the hidden detail, half created in the viewer's mind, half intentional, her work forms a backdrop to a constructed mindscape that allows the viewer in but not out. Her work having the great and instant effect of stealing some of your body heat and bringing you nervous energy in return. An exciting artist who has a great progression in her work and a bright future ahead.

Who are you:
Daisy Hardman, I am currently studying illustration at Kingston university.

What do you do:
I work in a number of mediums, but mostly as many as possible at the same time. I am interested in creating work that has a material quality and a sense of urgency in its creation with a huge input from accidental spillages and smudges (I am painfully clumsy!)

How did you start:
I have an awful memory, but I suppose I have always been interested in drawing with anything I can find and making a mess. Although it was only on foundation at Chelsea college of Art that I realized I was interested in illustration in particular.

A Personal statement about you or your work:
I work from life, primarily in black and white and I try and stay as far away from the computer as possible when it comes to creating. I don’t often plan anything I make, as I like creating work with a tactile quality and spontaneous marks that you only really work out through the process of making. At the moment I am finding printmaking, particularly etching, the best and the most enjoyable way to do this.


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