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1 Jun 2012

Special feature: Untold Method

It's time for a special feature now on Felice and Daisy from the fantastic Untold Method which has a new issue out tomorrow. Untold Method is a really sweet gathering of creativity, prose and imagery that gives the reader something fun and inspirational. Untold Method has a real quality and some great contributors. So please take a look at the forces behind this wonderful project and make sure to check out the fabulous Untold Method.

1. Who are you?
Daisy: I am a slowly introverting snail who writes too much.
Felice: Don't really know how to follow that…. I'm an artist and the co-editor of Untold Method (with a certain snail as my co-pilot).

2. What brought you together?
Felice: Unfortunately we're related, by blood, and have known each other for far too long (we're sisters).
Daisy: Mutual obsessive qualities tend to rub off on someone when you share a room with them for seventeen years.
Felice: And during that period we shared and sought out new art to impress and inspire each other. As we got older, separated and began our voyages into adulthood, it became clear that despite there being a large distance between us, we needed to collaborate on something creative together.
Daisy: And so, on Felice's wedding (29th June 2011) a big group of people, including ourselves, started to talk about putting together a magazine. At the time it was sketchy at best but it took shape very quickly.
Felice: We had a lot of big idea's to start off (Music/Art /Gaming/Prose blogs with content updated daily across each platform, interviews, tutorials and even more) but as time went on and our separate careers started demanding more time we realised we needed to whittle it down to something simple and close to our hearts. So we cut out most of the content and decided to keep it to a small themed series of free PDF magazines focusing solely on art, prose and comics.

3. What's your favourite thing about Untold Method?
Daisy: From a writing point of view I love being pushed to find new writers and explore different areas I didn't think would yield them, like blogs for instance. There are a whole load of amazing blogs out there with juicy posts ready for the picking.
Felice: Our graphic novel, written by Michael Cooper and drawn by some incredible artists, plus the fact that the magazine is a massive source of inspiration for me.

4. What is your manifesto?
Felice: Real art, no bullshit. That means art that we feel has been made from the heart and conveys some sort of message or idea. We also want to promote things that we find beautiful whether or not it fits with what’s fashionable at the time.
Daisy: We want something that we can look at or read and feel inspired by, that sounds a little vague I know, but we want it to work against trends, taking risks and mixing different media’s or genres. We like to be surprised.

5. What does the future hold?
Daisy: Apart from world domination? Just messing. We're already forming ideas for our next project. After the last issue of Untold Method (Issue 6, December 1st 2012), we want to continue publishing Philistone on its own website and collaborating our own writing and art to make something fun.
Felice: And of course we have our own separate careers as well, Daisy has just finished the first draft of her first novel and will begin perfecting it soon. While I'm preparing for my first solo show in East London next year so we've got plenty to keep us busy!

Untold Method Issue 3 WAR is out today!

Untold Method

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