What's on

27 Jul 2012

London Olympics and Paralympics Rally

So, today is the opening ceremony of the London Olympics 2012! Some people don't give a damn about Olympics or Paralympics I know, but sport is great subject which always will be around for us designers and illustrators. I've seen so much great art inspired by this event and why don't you share your art with us? You can send us your submission directly to our email address to be featured on the blog, alternatively you can post it on our facebook page as some people may find it easier. Below are our submission guidelines and I'm looking forward to seeing your sport spirited works!

Submission Guidelines 
  • Please send us low res jpegs.
  • You can submit as many of your works as you like.
  • Your submissions don't need to be created for us, both new and old work is welcome!
  • Send us your artist name and the links to your portfolio and SNS sites.
  • Send us your twitter name if you have one, so I can promote you on twitter effectively.
  • Deadline is the closing date of the Paralympics, 5PM Sunday the 9th September.
  • Please send your work to illustrationrally[at]hotmail.co.uk with the title "Olympics/Paralympics cover Rally Submission" or post here,  http://www.facebook.com/IllustrationRally.

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