What's on

16 Feb 2011

Artist 69: Lindsey Spinks

Lindsey Spinks is our latest artist here on the Rally, so lets give her a nice warm welcome. She has a light delicate style that is re-enforced by her use of fine pencil lines set against bold naive figures, which have such an inviting glow that they draw the viewer into the work and keep them fully engaged. She has a very good line as well as her developed compositional style which includes elements of collage that generate a homely and soft counterpoint to her sharp thin lines and cool uncomplicated palette. Her work has a great unity of style and this is something that will stand her in good stead in the future. It's a strong position to be in when you have a style which works and is as charming as Lindsey's. Her style will certainly embrace you and not let you go, so find out more about her here!

Who are you:
My name is Lindsey Spinks and I am an illustrator living in London fresh out of Kingston University after studying a BA Honours in Illustration.

What do you do: 
My passion for illustration stems from my love of traditional drawing, I adore my mechanical pencil and I love attention to detail and fine lines. I’m quite old fashioned in my process, everything starts with a pencil drawing. I then scan in fabrics and textures and add colour and pattern.

How did you start:
When I was younger a friend and I starting a drawing club after watching the theatre production of cats. We would have sleepovers and pretend to be asleep and when everyone would go to bed we would get out our torch, fake fur folder, colouring pens and biro and get to work. We had different roles, I was always the drawer and my friend the colourer. We would make up names and stories for the cats. I have always loved drawing and even though I have had other jobs (I was a veterinary nurse for 3 years) I have always come back to drawing and never really stopped.

A Personal statement about you or your work:
The foundation of all my work is drawing. It is at the core of my illustration practice and the thing I love most. I love how illustration allows you to interpret different situations in a very personal way that differs to capturing the stillness of a moment in photography. Just by picking up a pencil you are offering the viewer your personal take on something and that is very special.

I am currently working on strengthening and adding diversity to my existing portfolio.

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