What's on

17 Feb 2011

Artist 70: Louise Wright

We have a talented new illustrator here already establishing herself with her brand of sweet and inviting characters, She is hammering out her style and its clear to see there is a strong progression in her work. She is moving towards darker more structured brown paper backgrounds which are both strengthening and stabilising which is important for her gentle characters. She has a great way of bringing her work alive that makes you instantly smile.Her work is considered but has a natural feeling that is really the bridge between something sweet and endearing and something that is cleverly constructed but seems contrived. Her work is not engineered to work, it just does, and does it with style. Her work is getting stronger all the time and as she moves through her creative journey we wish her the best. So here's to a mutual tea addiction and a up and coming talent. It's Louise Wright!

Who are you: 
I'm Louise Wright, a 3rd year Illustration student and Illustrator living in the big city of Birmingham. I love tea, cycling and damn, I love cakes.

What do you do: 
I pretty much immerse myself in children's books every day and strive to create something akin to those that I love the most. I almost live at my desk when I'm working because I will create a final piece and then make a cup of tea, come back to it and something will seem amiss..So I end up re-doing things a lot of the time! 
I'm in love with brown paper at the moment, I think it could be the answer to all my troubles.

How did you start: 
All the way through school and sixth form I've always been drawing in one way or another, then in college I took the plunge and embarked onto an Illustration course. 
From the very start I've always had stories in my head that I've wanted to illustrate, and fortunately (or not) I have a childish sense of humour, so it all seems to go well together...whether it's about a boy that gets an octopus stuck on his head or penguins that just want to be a little warmer in the cold winter :) 

A Personal statement about you or your work: 
My work is an escape, into a story about an adventure, or drawing friends I should like to have..The city has a tendency to get me down, and I miss the countryside a lot from up here, and so as lovely as Birmingham is I love to shut myself away with infinite tea supplies and get down to some serious drawing. 
Music is also a big inspiration to my work and I'm working with a local Birmingham fellow on his music video as we speak! You know I'm not in the house if my stereo is turned off :)


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