What's on

23 Feb 2012

Artist 128: Laura Alvarado

It's that time again on the rally where we take a look at some of the established and up and coming talent. This week we are bringing you a lovely illustrator by the name of Laura Alvarado. Laura is one of those illustrators that stand by the traditional skills of realistic life drawing and has a working practice that both embraces digital and preserves the warmth and joy of analogue. Laura has a great eye, both in terms of her draughtsmanship which is crisp and sure-footed but also in her composition. Her images have a power best described by the drama she evokes with her use of washed out palettes and the tension which she instils in her subjects. Her work gives the viewer a distinctive perspective that not only takes the viewer into the scene but at a distance. This gives the viewer the kind of feeling that you get from a fleeting glance down a street in passing, her work sits in the mind like a pre render of a holiday memory. It is this kind of subtlety that she can draw on as she grows and if she continues in this vein she will be more than capable of any goal she sets. So with the best of luck for this coming year we give you Laura Alvarado.

Who are you: 
Laura Alvarado

What do you do:
I always start the old fashioned way - drawing on paper using graphite pencil. I then bring these images into the computer to digitally colour, or in preparation to screenprint. I create images for that are exhibited and for commissioned design projects - such as album art work to editorial pieces.

How did you start: 
I have always loved drawing as far back as I can remember. The real beginning of becoming an illustrator was probably in 2005 when I was on Foundation. I then went onto study illustration and specialised in printmaking.

A Personal statement about you or your work: 
London based graphic artist, working in a number of areas including print design, illustration, sub-cultural research, layout design and silkscreen printmaking.


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