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27 Feb 2012

Magazine feature:Typographic Revolt by HypeForType

It's feature time now and we are lucky enough to have the wonderful HypeForType with the launch of their brand new magazine Typographic Revolt which is the latest creative effort from graphic designer Ryan Atkinson and is a real slick showcase of their Exclusive Faces work. So here is a snippet from their press release and if you cant wait you can get hold of a copy here!

Press Release
In an effort to bring their Exclusive Faces range to a larger audience, HypeForType approached graphic designer Ryan Atkinson to produce their first magazine release Typographic Revolt. The brief was to produce a 16 page A2 magazine with a twist. Instead of following the traditional convention, Ryan designed a quick read through A2 magazine which also doubles up as a set of 4 Exclusive Faces posters. Each page folds out to create a double sided poster perfect for your studio or home wall space. Typographic Revolt is printed as a limited litho run on 90gsm wood free paper, giving everything a premium newspaper feel which absorbs the inks to create a beautiful desaturated look and feel. Typographic Revolt is available now through Amazon.

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1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous - this is perfect for a type nut like me! I will be looking out for it :)
