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14 Apr 2012

Artist 136: Max Lockwood

Feature time again, so me' hearties it's time for high adventure on the high inky seas with the swashbuckling young rogue that is Max Lockwood. Max has a great current style that captures the best of vintage and classic and moves it forwards with a great theme and coherence in his work. It is always great to see someone with genuine mechanical skill and a commitment to the traditional technique and Max has this in abundance. Max has a good cogent sense of where he is headed and his complex and often intricate stylings give his work a great depth. Max's work has that really nice sense of completeness that is generated through the marriage of good solid composition and polish. This is further added to be a great palette that gels well with his style and gives that authentic vintage flavour that is hard to conjure and even harder to get right. So wishing him the best of luck in all he does in the future, it's Max Lockwood.

Who are you:
I’m Max Lockwood a (fledgling) freelance illustrator, born in 1988 living in UK, Reading. I graduated in 2011.

What do you do:
I am currently working as a freelance illustrator. I’m a bit old-fashioned when it comes to illustration; I am inspired by old elements, nature and animals, especially objects which have plenty of textures and lines, incorporating contemporary mediums. In my spare time I like to create personal pieces and the last few weeks I have been drawn into creating intricate seamless wallpaper’s which I’m hoping to develop further for a chosen client.

How did you start:
I have always been a keen artist from as far back as I can remember and have always enjoyed following different creative processes through my education whether it be in Fine Art, Graphic Design, Print and so forth. I discovered Illustration in 2007 when visiting John Vernon Lords exhibition in Brighton and have been captivated ever since. I decided full-time work wasn’t for me and made the leap to pursue a career and went on to study Illustration at Southampton Solent University where I obtained a BA (Hons) in Illustration. I learnt a lot about myself, the industry and honing in on one specific style that I feel comfortable using. At this current moment in time I’m working on a few personal projects, hoping to create an online store to sell limited edition prints and tees and ultimately seeking exciting commissions that will push my work further.

A Personal statement about you or your work:
I love drawing and am mainly inspired by the old, nature, sea and animals. I try to keep my art quite traditional and line work is very important within my work. Once I've finished drawing and inking out a piece I scan it and combine it with different elements in Photoshop. I feel I have a long way ahead of me, of learning and developing my skills, but right now I am happy with the direction my work is taking.


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