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14 Apr 2012

Artist 137: Alvarez Ortega Bianchi

A great treat now for IR followers and fellow creatives,with the fabulously playful work of Argentine creative Alvarez Ortega Bianchi. Alvarez is a multi-talented professional who illustrates and directs his own collaborative studio which creates work with a unique house style and hands on attitude. Alvarez excels in bringing the kind of complex packed images familiar from tattoo and outsider art into the limelight and giving them a great and unique twist, keeping things current and fresh but still preserving that great and saleable style. His work and that of his studio has a warm feel and is instantly evocative of Christian symbolism twisted with an autre charm that gives it bite and relevance. Cucacolor's work brims with tension and colour, vivid neons crackle against black backgrounds, like a fear and loathing style hallucinogen Cucacolor is a world of vivid shocking images and work that can't sit still on the screen. It's great to see alternative culture being so fresh and raw, after a while pushed to the sidelines of creativity. So with great respect here is Alvarez in his own words.

Who are you:
I´m Alvarez Ortega Bianchi. from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

What do you do:
I´m a director in my own studio, cucacolor, where we develop graphic design, art direction and illustration.

How did you start:
well I started drawing since I was a kid. a little obsessed with dogs, chuwaka, alf and furry creatures alike… then I started to read comics and to try to make some of my own, but the simpsons came in to my life and change the whole perspective. the only thing I wanted to do was to make something that big. then I grew up a bit and thought I wanted to be an architect. that was just a short period of a year. didn´t like it that much, but I learned about technical drawing and it´s tools. specially rotring pens. that was love at first draw! I moved to graphic design that felt much closer to the things I wanted to do. and it was! learned a lot in the university, but wasn´t enough for me, so right in the second year I started to work in a graphic design studio. since then I been working in different places, always trying to bring new stuff and love to the things I was involved. in the last six years I focused much harder in my drawings and painting murals, because they bring me lots of joy and happiness!!! also theres my studio, in which I have a profound love to work to make it possible. Not easy, but sure it is an awesome project to be in! My partners come form different backgrounds, such as photography and tattoo, but all together became one thing, with one style, that often makes impossible to others to recognize which thing it´s made by who, and that it´s probably because we try to put everybodys hands on it!

A Personal statement about you or your work:
The things I love, hate, like, watch, everyday stuff, etc. everything that make me felt something. I like to make crowded drawings, full of ideas, hybrids characters and feelings mixed up lying randomly in there. lots of details, just to stare at them a big amount of time. I love the idea of seeing something new every time I look at something, so I try to bring that too. salud!!!!!

society 6

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