28 Sept 2010

Artist 26: Tigz Rice

For our latest feature we bring you Tigz Rice, illustrator, photographer and visual assassin, her work is evocative and full of dark beauty which resonates with a vibrancy that is rare. Not only is her presentation crisp and fresh but her work unearths the deeper emotions and feelings that everybody shares. Her work is visceral and sexual but is executed with a deft light touch, that at once chills and entertains. She has a superb visual repertoire, and uses her copious skills to take you by the hand and show you your darker side. Get your chills and thrills but read about her here first!

Who are you:
I am Tigz. Or Tigzy, as most people like to call me!

What do you do:
I'm a freelance illustrator and photographer based in London.

How did you start:
After graduating with a first in illustration from Westminster University in 2009, I was full of determination and drive and set up my own design studio in London, where I specialise in alternative photogaphy and picture books for adult audiences. Having entered the industry during the worst part of the recession, I was constantly writing letter, emails and making phone calls to advertise myself whilst working on personal projects to keep myself busy. Sure enough, my hard work paid off and I was able to release my fourth picture book Bitten this summer in Bath. The rest is history!

A Personal statement about you or your work:
Tigz is a freelance photographer and illustrator from London. Graduating in 2009 with a first in illustration from Westminster, she specialises in alternative and couture fashion photography and gothic illustration. Previous clients include Boomerang PR, London Burlesque Week and Diabolus Amor. Tigz has also featured in Digital Arts, Photoshop Creative and Computer Arts Projects.

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