Simon Cheadle is another young talented illustrator who whilst still in his first year is fast becoming an established illustrator. You can tell from his vibrant exciting work, he is really enjoying himself and his work. Never one to be tied down Simon is proud of his evolving style and we are sure you will enjoy to hear a little bit more about him!
Who are you:
What do you do:
I'm currently studying BA (Hons) Illustration and Animation at Kingston University, London - about to go into my second year. I am also part of an illustration collective called '717', named after an abondoned office in my old college that we turned into a studio, pillaging photogoofs of old ladies and making shrines to Jade Goody and meat. We make zines, prints, drink gin and terrorise our neighbourhood in our biker gang 'the grim wizzards'.
How did you start:
I officially started 'illustrating' two years ago on my foundation course at Suffolk College, at first it was a bust-up between illustration and graphic design, being told by my high school art teachers that I should be a graphic designer, but illustration won.
A Personal statement about you or your work:
I don't really like to get philosophical about my work- I like to make stuff, in what ever form that might be, that I would want to see myself. I always have to enjoy what I'm doing and my work always starts with drawing. On a few occasions in the past, my work gets taken 'off the page' into the 3D, although I never would make my work 3D if I thought it unneccessary. I don't like to think I have a 'style' , to quote Charles Eames - ' The extent to which you have a design style, is the extent to which you haven't solved the problem' and because of this, I enjoy the way my work evolves and shape shifts.
love the house/girl :)